Amy Underwood

Pain Psychologist

Amy is a nationally endorsed Counselling Psychologist, specialising in pain management in adults. She has extensive experience in the management of persistent pain, with a particular interest in pelvic pain.

A highly experienced Pain Psychologist at Interventus Pain Specialists, Amy’s qualifications include a Bachelor of Psychology at the University of Queensland, a Master of Counselling Psychology from Queensland University of Technology and a Master of Science in Medicine (Pain Management) from Sydney University.

Amy has practiced in the public and private sectors for many years. She specialises in using a combined therapeutic approach from evidenced-based principles for management of chronic or persistent pain.

Additionally, Amy is a supervisor with the University of Queensland Master program and has full membership with the Australian Psychological Society (APS), APS College of Counselling Psychologists and the Australian Pain Society.


To contact Amy please visit Upsycology’s website or email using the links below.
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The team at Interventus consistently adheres to the highest standards of patient care. Our medical specialists have all undertaken local and international advanced pain medicine training and have been mentored by world-class pain specialists.

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