How to prepare for your appointment with Interventus Pain Specialists

About your appointment

Our Brisbane pain managements specialists are focused on restoring your quality of life through targeted pain treatments.

Preparing for your appointment with Interventus Pain Specialists:

  • Before making an appointment, you will need a referral from either your GP or Specialist
  • Once we have received this referral, we will be in touch to schedule your initial consultation
  • We will then send you all the relevant information to review before you see us
During your initial appointment:
  • Please ensure you bring all recent investigations, x-rays, scans and reports with you to the appointment as these will help with diagnosis and treatment planning
  • Your pain specialist will conduct a comprehensive assessment to gain an understanding of the cause of your pain and how it’s affecting your everyday life
  • Please allow 1 hour for this initial consultation.
Got a question?

If you have any questions or concerns about your upcoming appointment, just contact our friendly team who will be happy to assist.


Highest Standards of Care

Interventus Pain Specialists and Medical Professionals

The team at Interventus consistently adheres to the highest standards of patient care. Our medical specialists have all undertaken local and international advanced pain medicine training and have been mentored by world-class pain specialists.

Important patient information:

Find out how Interventus Pain Specialists can help diagnose, treat and manage your specific pain conditions.