Fees & Payment
Your questions answered
How much will it cost?
Exact fees and charges will depend on the type of consultation and/or in-hospital procedures you have. Because these can vary greatly, please contact us for more information before your appointment. Our administration team will be happy to provide more specific details of what you can expect to pay.
Do I have to pay at the time of the consultation?
Yes, payment must be made immediately following your consultation. You can pay by EFTPOS, credit card or cash. We don’t accept American Express.
Will I need to pay a gap?
In most cases, you will be required to pay a gap (out-of-pocket fee) for interventional procedures. Please contact our administration team for more information.
Can I claim under WorkCover or Veteran Affairs
If you have pre-approval from either WorkCover or Veteran Affairs (white card holders only), we can submit a claim directly with them on your behalf. For WorkCover, you will need to supply your claim number and case manager’s details when booking your first appointment.

Do you have a question?
If you have any questions or concerns about the fees and charges involved with your upcoming appointment, just contact our friendly team who will be happy to assist.
Important patient information:
Once an appointment has been made for you we will ask you to complete a Pain Questionnaire – this is to be completed prior to your consultation with the Doctor, so that we can offer you the best possible care.
As an Interventus patient, we can facilitate referral to a Pain Management Program.
Key information about what to do prior to your appointment and what happens during the first consultation.
Ensure you’re up to date about our fees and payment policy for consultations and procedures.
Find out how Interventus Pain Specialists can help diagnose, treat and manage your specific pain conditions.